Information Security ISO 27001 will help manage and protect your business data. Protect your information assets and increase trust of all stakeholders, especially your clients.
Health and Safety ISO 45001/BS OHSAS 18001 provides you with the framework for identification, control and reduction of risks related to health and safety at work.
Environmental Safety ISO 14001 is designed for maintaining a sensitive balance between profitability and environmental impact reduction; with the commitment of all company’s members, it enables achieving both goals..
ISO 50001 standard enables organisations to identify areas of energy consumption, measure consumption and develop growth possibilities through defining aims and the programme of energy efficiency.
Quality ISO 9001 provides you with a business performance monitoring and improvement tool in any chosen area. Currently it is used by 1,000,000 organisations globally.

Step by STEP to business excellence

Our advantages:
    We have started our business practice in 1998 thus being one of the oldest ISO systems counselling companies in Croatia.
    We have led to certification in compliance with various standards more than a hundred various companies from various fields and sector.
    We are lead auditors accredited by the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA).
    We are contracted collaborators of the company Bureau Veritas Certification and we have participated in more than a thousand certification and supervision audits.
    We adjust the system to the client not the client to the system
    When needed we cooperate with the best professionals in specific fields. We assist in the search for financial support for the system implementation.
    Asistiramo prilikom traženja sredstva potpore za uspostavu sustava.
    We assist at certification audits and at resolving potential objections by the time of the certificate issuance.


Uspješna implementacija ISO 9001 u firmi Adriatic Security Solutions d.o.o.

Završena je implementacija ISO 9001:2015 i napravljena uspješna certifikaciji u firmi Adriatic Security Solutions d.o.o.

Implementacija ISO 9001 i ISO 27001 u InSky Solutions d.o.o.

Započela je implementacija sustava upravljanja kvalitetom i sustava upravljanja informacijskom sigurnošću u firmi InSky Solutions d.o.o.

Treća implementacija ISO 26000

Naša treća implementacija ISO 26000 započela je u firmi PharmaKos Consulting d.o.o. 

Potvrdu  o usklađenosti s primjenjivim zahtjevima dosad su dobile svega 2 firme u RH.




20 godina STEP osiguranja kvalitete d.o.o.

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Direktor firme proslavio je 10 god s nama! 

Kao poklon dobio je ovaj zanimljivi registrator. 



Tranzicija na novu normu ISO 9001:2015 u poduzeću EUROCABEL GROUP
Korisnička služba HEP Opskrbe dobila je certifikat ISO 9001:2015